HRS HIF4-**D-3.18R + OKI Electric Cable FLEX-S **-7/0.2 7030 2651 3A AWG24 Flat Cable Harness

Hirose Electric 3A compatible 3.18mm pitch HIF4 connector flat cable harness. The current capacity of the HIF3 series is 1A, while the HIF4 series is 3A, allowing for a wider range of uses. The compatible wire is UL2651 AWG24 (7/0.2) flat cable. The product in the image uses the HIF4-40D-3.18R connector and the OKI Electric Cable sudare type FLEX-S 40-7/0.2 7030 2651 3A flat cable.

HIF4-16D-3.18R / HIF4-20D-3.18R / HIF4-26D-3.18R
HIF4-34D-3.18R / HIF4-40D-3.18R

◇HRS HIF4 series

◇Oki Electric Cable AWG24 (7/0.2) 3A flat cable FLEX-S **-7/0.2 7030 2651