JAE 2.54m pitch IDC connector MIL type PS series PS-**SM-D4P1-1D flat cable harness
JAE 2.54mm pitch, 2-row type, MIL-DTL-83503 compliant FRC pressure-welded type PS connector flat cable harness. The product in the image uses the daisy chain type PS-40SM-D4P1-1D connector, PS-SR40M2 relief, and OKI Electric Cable flat cable bridge type FLEX-B 40-7/0.127 2651P cable.
Closed end type: PS-**SM-D4P1-1C
PS-10SM-D4P1-1C / PS-16SM-D4P1-1C / PS-20SM-D4P1-1C
PS-26SM-D4P1-1C / PS-30SM-D4P1-1C / PS-34SM-D4P1-1C
PS-40SM-D4P1-1C / PS-50SM-D4P1-1C / PS-60SM-D4P1-1C
Daisy chain type: PS-**SM-D4P1-1D
PS-10SM-D4P1-1D / PS-16SM-D4P1-1D / PS-20SM-D4P1-1D
PS-26SM-D4P1-1D / PS-30SM-D4P1-1D / PS-34SM-D4P1-1D
PS-40SM-D4P1-1D / PS-50SM-D4P1-1D / PS-60SM-D4P1-1D
Relief: PS-SR**M2
PS-SR10M2 / PS-SR16M2 / PS-SR20M2
PS-SR26M2 / PS-SR30M2 / PS-SR34M2
PS-SR40M2 / PS-SR50M2 / PS-SR60M2
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Closed end type: PS-**SM-D4P1-1C
PS-10SM-D4P1-1C / PS-16SM-D4P1-1C / PS-20SM-D4P1-1C
PS-26SM-D4P1-1C / PS-30SM-D4P1-1C / PS-34SM-D4P1-1C
PS-40SM-D4P1-1C / PS-50SM-D4P1-1C / PS-60SM-D4P1-1C
Daisy chain type: PS-**SM-D4P1-1D
PS-10SM-D4P1-1D / PS-16SM-D4P1-1D / PS-20SM-D4P1-1D
PS-26SM-D4P1-1D / PS-30SM-D4P1-1D / PS-34SM-D4P1-1D
PS-40SM-D4P1-1D / PS-50SM-D4P1-1D / PS-60SM-D4P1-1D
Relief: PS-SR**M2
PS-SR10M2 / PS-SR16M2 / PS-SR20M2
PS-SR26M2 / PS-SR30M2 / PS-SR34M2
PS-SR40M2 / PS-SR50M2 / PS-SR60M2
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