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Oki Electric Cable OKIFLEX with sheath FLEX-S **-7/0.127 3030-V or SV (20266) SB


Oki Electric Cable is a Japanese cable manufacturer.Okiflex with sheath (UL20266) is UL STYLE NO.20266 80 degrees 150V.OKIFLEX with sheath is a sudare type cable that is made by winding a flat cable into a circle and covering it with a sheath. This makes it ideal for wiring within complex console layouts or between different devices.There are unshielded and shielded. One roll is 100m.The cable in the image is FLEX-S 34-70.127 3030-SV (20266) SB.

◇OKIFLEX with sheath (UL20266)  Manufacturer site

◇Product sales page
FLEX-S **-7/0.127 3030-V(20266)SB   V: Unshielded

FLEX-S **-7/0.127 3030-SV(20266)SB   SV: Shielded

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