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JST 1.3mm pitch ADH connector ADHR-**V-S SADH-002G-P0.2 crimp wire harness


This is a wire harness for the JST 1.3mm pitch ADH connector. The ADH connector is a small, low-profile connector with a depth of 4.3mm and a mounting height of 1.9mm. The product in the image uses the ADHR-03V-S housing, the SADH-002G-P0.2 contacts, and the UL1061 AWG26 cable.

ADHR-03V-S / ADHR-03V-S(HF) / ADHR-03V-H / ADHR-05V-S(HF)

SADH-003G-P0.2 AWG28 (0.08mm2) Φ0.63mm
SADH-002G-P0.2 AWG26 (0.14mm2) Φ0.98mm

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