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HRS DF62 Locking section protection type connector DF62C-*S-2.2C DF62-2428SCF Crimp wire harness


Hirose Electric Slim relay/DIP connector DF62 series wire harness. The product in the image uses the housing with locking section protection type DF62C-6S-2.2C, the contact DF62-2428SCF, and the cable UL1061 AWG26. The cable is protected with a vinyl tube.

◇Socket housing, reinforced lock protection type

Mold color: White
DF62C-2S-2.2C / DF62C-3S-2.2C / DF62C-4S-2.2C / DF62C-5S-2.2C
DF62C-6S-2.2C / DF62C-7S-2.2C / DF62C-13S-2.2C / DF62C-24S-2.2C

Mold color: Black
DF62C-2S-2.2C(11) / DF62C-3S-2.2C(11) / DF62C-4S-2.2C(11) / DF62C-5S-2.2C(11)
DF62C-6S-2.2C(11) / DF62C-7S-2.2C(11) / DF62C-13S-2.2C(11) / DF62C-24S-2.2C(11)


◇Manufacturer site

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